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Hair:Dark BrownEyes:Brown

Experience & Skills

On Stage Experience: 
Alexandra Musical Society 'Snow White and the Huntsman' Lead Role 'The Huntsman' 
2021 Finalist for the Otago Nga Manu Korero Speech Competition
Drama Workshop with Samantha Scott, Massive Theatre Auckland
Lead Role in Wanaka Primary School Y5-6 Production 
Lead Singer in Band
Kapa Haka Leader, Mount Aspiring College/Wanaka Primary School 
Dance Wanaka Annual Hip Hop Stage Performances
Hip Hop Syllabus level 8 & 9 - excellence honours
Karate & Sport Experience: 
Black Belt
U -16 Otago athletics, winner  shotput and discus, 2nd javelin
U-14 South Island Schools Karate Gold Medals - Premier Kata & Kumite
Numerous Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals - Karate
Trained in Mau Rakau
Otago Secondary Schools Finalist for Discus, Javelin and Shot Put
Brown Belt 2nd Kyu Karate
Hip Hop Level 8, Kapa Haka, Singing, Rugby, Snow Skiing, Athletics, Swimming
NZ Maori

Full Member of AAANZ Actors Agents Association of NZ ​I​nc.

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