Olivia ThomsonTalent,Extras / Female Adult
Height: | 175cm | Chest: | 0cm |
Waist: | 0cm | Hips: | 0cm |
Shoes: | 39 | Dress: | 12 |
Hair: | Blonde | Eyes: | Blue |
DOB: | 1995 | ||
Location: | Wanaka |
Experience & Skills
Experienced Confident Horse Rider.
Operates Heavy Machinery / Construction.
Ex Cross Country Ski Instructor
Ex Target Shooting New Zealand JDS
Ex New Zealand Junior Development Squad
Participated in IBU Training Camps
International Biathlon Circuit. 4 years.
2012 Youth Olympic Games
2014 Junior World Championships
South Island Junior Target Shooting Champion
Most Dedicated and Best Skier NZNSDA
2014 New Zealand Biathlon Team Captain, Swedish exchange
Captain of the NZ Team at the Junior Biathlon World Champ
Biathlon New Zealand Development Coach.
South Island Three Position Target Shooting.