Katy AndersonActors / Female 35+
Height: | 167cm | Chest: | 112cm |
Waist: | 100cm | Hips: | 112cm |
Shoes: | 38 | Dress: | 12 |
Hair: | Dark Brown | Eyes: | Blue |
DOB: | 1976 | ||
Location: | Queenstown |
Experience & Skills
Musical Theatre:
2019 Radio Kaos (Coming August) Maxine (lead) Whirlwind Productions dir. M. O’Hanlon
2018 Crazy Jordan (lead) Whirlwind Productions dir. M. O’Hanlon
2013 Twenty Seven CompanyWhirlwind Productions dir. M. O’Hanlon
2011 London Calling CompanyWhirlwind Productions dir. M. O’Hanlon
2010 Rock and Roll Suicide Company Whirlwind Productions dir. M O’Hanlon
2007 The Rocky Horror Show Company Ignite Productions dir. D Kamo
2006 RentMrs Cohen/Bag Lady/Company Showbiz Queenstown dir. Geoff Turkington
2006 Womberang Vocal Coach - Liverpool accent Qtown Shakespeare dir. P.McInerney
2013 Singer/songwriter Acoustic Guitar based Rock Two original songs in ‘Twenty Seven’
2010 Songstars FinalistWhirlwind Productions dir. M O’ Hanlon
2007 Starry Eyed Gwen Stefani (finalist) Nima Entertainment dir M O’Hanlon
2006 Starry Eyed Delores O’Riordan (winner Nima Entertainment dir. M O’Hanlon
Radio:Inferno 106.7FM Programme Host, Commercial voiceover Inferno FM
Live Event Host - Air Guitar Idol, Tashtober
2019 Audiobook Narration 'Wherever the Wind Blows' by Anne deNize https://www.audible.com/pd/Wherever-the-Wind-Blows-Audiobook/B083KHSJ49
Workshops - Audition Technique - Doug Kamo, Actors Playbook - John GougeGravy For the Brain - Voiceover mentor and trainingSpecial Skills:
Workshops - Audition Technique - Doug Kamo, Actors Playbook - John GougeGravy For the Brain - Voiceover mentor and trainingSpecial Skills:
Singing, guitar, piano, songwriting, producing and recording
Snowboarding, skiing, swimming, hockey, tennis, yoga
The Recording Room - Recording Studio Owner
Regional British Accents:- Midlands - Birmingham, Nottingham, Leeds, Northern -Liverpool, Manchester, Southern - Cockney, English speaking French